1. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 represents “Extremely dissatisfied” and 5 represents “Extremely Satisfied,” how would you rate your level of overall satisfaction with 2by2host as a service provider?


2. How likely are you to recommend 2by2host to friend or relative?

Most likely


Not at all

3. What was your experience dealing with our technical support?

Very good, they fixed all the issue I have

Unfortunately something were missed

4. What is your experience dealing with the sales support department?

Very good, the answered all my questions very clear

Their replies were not clear

5. Overall, do you think you have received the most value for your money?



6. Please leave a short feedback about your experience with 2by2host


<textarea cols=”50″ rows=”14″ name=”message” id=”message”></textarea>

7. If you'd like your feedback published on our testimonials section and get a link back to your website, please include your name and URL to your website below:

Your name

Your email

Your website's address

This survey will definitely help us better serve you. There are only 8 questions which will not take you more than 5 minutes to answer.

Thank you for your time.