What are pretty permalinks?

The permalinks can be edited when you create a post, but this option also won’t work until you set “pretty permalinks” on your blog.

The first thing to do when you start your blog is to make pretty permalinks, i.e. the URLs of my posts and pages.
I noticed that mine looked ugly, like this: www.mydomain.com/?page_id=12 and I would like to look them like this: www.mydomain.com/my-new-story/introduction/.

The pretty permalink of the single page in WordPress is the shortest one, just the name of the page. The child page has also the name of the parent page in the permalink.

The WordPress codex does not recommend using the %postname% format, there should be the date or some other data like the name of the author before the name of the post so that WordPress could easier distinguish between posts and pages.

The names of the categories and tags are preceded by the words “topics” and “tags” respectively. The category permalinks show its hierarchy.

Categories: Articles
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