What is a Page in WordPress?

When I created my blog, I noticed that all content is organized there in reverse chronological order, and the oldest articles are not on the page. Writing posts in my blog was like making notes in a diary. However, I felt the need for creating some “timeless”, static content, that is, the content which won’t be moved by recent posts and can be accessed easily from the home page. I would like to add some information about the concept of my site, about myself and to give some contact information. There is a tool to easily do that in WordPress. This can be realized through “pages”. A Page in WordPress shouldn’t be confused with a regular web page or a home page. Home page of your blog can consist of several posts, so it has a dynamic content. When you click on a certain post at your home page, you move to a web page where this post is displayed in full. So, every post has its own web page. WordPress Page, however, is completely different. It’s a tool for creating static content. Pages have title, content, hierarchy and they can have the same appearance as the rest of your blog, just like posts. There are, however, many things in which they are different from posts.

Pages can not be organized in categories or assigned to tags. Pages are timeless (they have no date). Pages are not published on the main page of your blog where all the posts are. They can be easily accessed from the navigational bar. Pages can have their own design which can be different from the design of your blog. While posts in a blog can be compared to diary notes, pages with its hierarchy structure can be compared to a book with chapters.

Special plugins are used to extend the abilities of the “pages” option. For example, you can integrate posts in a page. With the proper combination of posts and pages amazing results can be achieved. You can create a multi-functional site instead of ordinary blog.

Categories: Articles
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