
WordPress customization services

Professional WordPress customization: WordPress mods installation and design services. Top service guaranteed. 10 years of experience! Thank you for visiting…

Change password in cPanel email

domain.com/webmail U: user@domain P: 654123qweytr From there you should see an icon that says: "Change Password". You can use it…

News Portal Sites

.centertd {width: 100%;} .centertd th {font-weight: bold;} .centertd td, .centertd th {text-align: center;} .centertd td:first-child {text-align: left ; } .orderbtn…

We buy hosting companies – Web hosting company for sale

We buy hosting companies of any size. What we require from you is a detailed list of your current customers,…

Domain renewal services

All customers registered with us after 2007 please click here. All customers registered with us prior to 2007 log in…

Free website backup to Amazon

For all our MSH premium customers we set up a free website backup to Amazon Cloud

What is “retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period”

Do you know that we offer great web hosting for your PHP applications? We know PHP/email/DNS and everything related to…

How to enable error_reporting in htaccess

Need technical assistance with your current hosting provider? We can help you. You don't need to move your site. Contact…

How to wget multiple files

Looking for a professional advice for your Linux system? Please use the form on the right to ask your questions.…

Hosting plans comparison chart

General hosting plans comparison chart ► Hosting Packages GoEasy ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ order $5.75 Starter2 1…