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How to change/edit blocks/categories on the home page

Homepage blocks: go to Gadget -> Homepage -> Edit
Find the blocks you need to amend. The names of the blocks are in the Materialmag Header gadgets. Below them are the gadgets with category settings – Materialmag Featured Posts – you can specify a required category there.

How to add menu items.

This is regular WordPress functionality. You need to go here and add menu items.

Here is a complete guide that explains things:

Make a small part of the article appear and in order to read the full article the user has to register.

Use the “block this post” checkbox on the post editing pages.
Also, enter the <!–more–> tag into the post as a breaking point (the Read More tag in the WYSIWYG editor)

1. To make this feature works the “Show Excerpts” option should be set to ON in the site’s General Settings area.

2. The read more tag should be inserted via a button when using the visual editor:

3. Don’t forget to purge the cache of the page made by the “WP Super Cache” plugin.