Protect Your Server with Server Security

Server Security and Server Security PLUS were designed to save your time and resources. Server Security PLUS greatly enhances
the security, reliability, and compatibility of your server and software by adding daily CSX Scans and a multitude of server hardening initiatives. Your site is locked down and ready to run as soon as you receive it.

Security Levels to Choose From

Whether you need basic security measures setup on your server, or you require enhanced security hardening, we have a
Server Security Solution to meet your demands.

  Server Security Server Security Plus
Firewall Protection
Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus Protection
HTTP Intrusion Protection
Server Hardening
Daily Security Audits
Disable Root FTP Access
Daily CSX Scan
Monthly Nessus® Vulnerability Scans
Web Server & PHP Hardening
SSH / cPanel / FTP Hardening
Advanced Server Exploitation Prevention
FREE SSL Certificate – A $249 Value!
Cost Free $99/month