We buy hosting companies – Web hosting company for sale

We buy hosting companies of any size. What we require from you is a detailed list of your current customers, what the yearly income is and what hosting package you currently have active. Please contact us using the form on the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an offer.

Domain renewal services

All customers registered with us after 2007 please click

All customers registered with us prior to 2007 log in using the form below.

If you forgot your password, please open up a support ticket.

What is “retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period”

Do you know that we offer great web hosting for your PHP applications? We know PHP/email/DNS and everything related to hosting very well, so you can always ask for technical help, once you become our hosting or web development customer.

We recommend using Gmail for all outgoing mail from your domain. This way your web site's IP address will stay clean and you will never get black listed. Your customers will always receive your communications. Contact us using the form on the right to find out how to do this.

Recently one of our customers reported an issue sending emails to yahoo.com and noted the “retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period” error in the bounced emails. It's likely that the exim database has become corrupt. To fix it we ran these commands:

/usr/sbin/exim_tidydb -t 1d /var/spool/exim retry > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/exim_tidydb -t 1d /var/spool/exim reject > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/exim_tidydb -t 1d /var/spool/exim wait-remote_smtp > /dev/null

/scripts/courierup — force
/scripts/eximup –force

How to enable error_reporting in htaccess

Need technical assistance with your current hosting provider? We can help you. You don't need to move your site. Contact us using the form on the right.

Do you know that we offer business web hosting for your PHP applications? We know PHP as well as htaccess very well, so you can always ask for technical help, once you become our hosting or web development customer.

Sometimes it's very important to have the ability to enable all available error_reporting settings for your website without editing the source code. To achieve this, some changes to your .htaccess need to take place.

php_value error_reporting 7
php_flag display_errors On

By the way, you can easily disable the error_reporting by placing the hash sign (#) in the beginning of the line in your .htaccess:

#php_value error_reporting 7
#php_flag display_errors On

How to wget multiple files

Looking for a professional advice for your Linux system? Please use the form on the right to ask your questions.

Using wget with many files

Getting multiple files with wget command is very easy. Run the wget -r URL command. The -r option is for recursive download. It will download the entire directory. See the sample below:

wget -r http://www.yahoo.com/images/

This example will download all image file inside the /images/ directory of the yahoo.com website.

Downloading files with wget from a password-protected site

In some cases you might need to copy files from a password-protected site. Here's how to do it from your cPanel for example:

wget -r http://username:password@Domain.com/folder

Hosting plans comparison chart

General hosting plans comparison chart



Hosting Packages

1 Gb

50 Gb






order $5.95

100 MB

25 Gb






order $3.95
Intro Plan

50 MB

1 Gb






order $1.99
Business Hosting Packages

5 Gb

200 Gb






order $19.95

5 Gb

250 Gb






order $30
1plus1Hosting Packages

1 Gb

20 Gb





5 Gb

30 Gb




Reseller 1

5 Gb

70 Gb

Reseller 2

10 Gb

150 Gb

Reseller Pro

30 Gb

300 Gb


Twitter and Facebook integration services

We are happy to provide to you Facebook, Twitter and other social engine integration services!

Twitter integration and application development services

Would you like to have a system that automatically posts announcements of your news, blog, webpages, forum threads or replies, etc directly to your Twitter account? It is now possible with our Twitter website integration service! It is a quite effective way to bring immediate relevant traffic to your site. Please contact us using the form on the right and tell us about what you're looking for.
P.S. oAuth is fully supported!

Facebook integration and development services

We can also integrate any of your applications with Facebook! Guaranteed to work!

“www.a1-webmarks.com” => “A1-Webmarks”,
“www.adifni.com” => “Adifni”,
“www.aerosocial.com” => “aero”,
“connect.aim.com” => “AIM Share”,
“www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist” => “Amazon”,
“www.amenme.com/AmenMe” => “Amen Me!”,
“webmail.aol.com” => “AOL Mail”,
“www.arto.com” => “Arto”,
“myjeeves.ask.com” => “Ask”,
“aviary.com/capture” => “Aviary Capture”,
“www.backflip.com” => “Backflip”,
“www.baidu.com” => “Baidu”,
“ballhype.com” => “BallHype”,
“www.bebo.com” => “Bebo”,
“bit.ly” => “Bit.ly”,
“www.bizsugar.com” => “bizSugar”,
“bleetbox.com” => “Bleetbox”,
“www.blinklist.com” => “Blinklist”,
“www.blip.pl” => “Blip”,
“blogger.com” => “Blogger”,
“bloggy.se” => “Bloggy”,
“blogmarks.net” => “Blogmarks”,
“bobrdobr.ru” => “Bobrdobr”,
“bonzobox.com” => “BonzoBox”,
“www.bordom.net” => “Bordom”,
“www.box.net” => “Box.net”,
“www.brainify.com” => “Brainify”,
“www.bryderi.se” => “Bryderi”,
“www.buddymarks.com” => “BuddyMarks”,
“buzz.yahoo.com” => “Buzz”,
“www.camyoo.com” => “Camyoo”,
“www.care2.com” => “Care2”,
“www.cirip.ro” => “Cirip”,
“www.citeulike.org” => “CiteULike”,
“www.classicalplace.com” => “ClassicalPlace”,
“www.clickazoo.com” => “Clickazoo”,
“www.colivia.de” => “Colivia.de”,
“www.connotea.org” => “Connotea”,
“www.cosmiq.de/lili/srch” => “COSMiQ”,
“delicious.com” => “Delicious”,
“designbump.com” => “DesignBump”,
“designmoo.com” => “Designmoo”,
“digg.com” => “Digg”,
“www.diggita.it” => “Diggita”,
“www.diglog.com” => “diglog”,
“www.digo.it” => “Digo”,
“www.diigo.com” => “Diigo”,
“dipdive.com” => “Dipdive”,
“www.domelhor.net” => “doMelhor”,
“www.doower.com” => “Doower”,
“dosti.webdunia.com” => “Dosti”,
“www.dotnetkicks.com” => “DotNetKicks”,
“dotnetshoutout.com” => “DotNetShoutout”,
“www.dropjack.com” => “Dropjack”,
“www.dzone.com” => “dzone”,
“www.edelight.de” => “edelight”,
“www.ekudos.nl” => “eKudos”,
“www.elertgadget.com/bookmark” => “eLert Gadget”,
“addthis.com” => “Email”,
“addthis.com” => “Email Program”,
“www.embarkons.com” => “Embarkons”,
“www.eucliquei.com.br” => “euCliquei”,
“www.evernote.com” => “Evernote”,
“fabulously40.com” => “Fabulously40”,
“www.facebook.com” => “Facebook”,
“www.fark.com” => “Fark”,
“www.farkinda.com” => “Farkinda”,
“www.favable.com” => “FAVable”,
“faves.com” => “Faves”,
“addthis.com” => “Favorites”,
“www.favoritus.com” => “Favoritus”,
“flaker.pl” => “Flaker”,
“floss.pro” => “Floss.pro”,
“fnews.az” => “Fnews”,
“www.folkd.com” => “Folkd”,
“fresqui.com” => “Fresqui”,
“friendfeed.com” => “FriendFeed”,
“www.friendster.com” => “Friendster”,
“funp.com” => “funP”,
“fwisp.com” => “fwisp”,
“www.gabbr.com” => “Gabbr”,
“www.gacetilla.org” => “Gacetilla”,
“www.gamesnetworks.it” => “Gamesnetworks”,
“globalgrind.com” => “GlobalGrind”,
“www.gluvsnap.com/news/pin” => “GluvSnap”,
“mail.google.com” => “Gmail”,
“www.google.com/bookmarks” => “Google”,
“www.google.com/reader” => “Google Reader”,
“www.gravee.com” => “Gravee”,
“www.grumper.org” => “Grumper”,
“www.haber.gen.tr” => “Haber.gen.tr”,
“news.ycombinator.com” => “Hacker News”,
“www.hadash-hot.co.il” => “Hadash Hot”,
“b.hatena.ne.jp” => “Hatena”,
“www.hazarkor.co.il” => “Hazarkor”,
“www.hedgehogs.net” => “Hedgehogs.net”,
“hellotxt.com” => “HelloTxt”,
“hemidemi.com” => “HEMiDEMi”,
“www.hipstr.com” => “hipstr”,
“hitmarks.com” => “Hitmarks”,
“hotbmark.com” => “Hot Bookmark”,
“www.hotklix.com” => “Hotklix”,
“hotmail.com” => “Hotmail”,
“validator.w3.org” => “HTML Validator”,
“www.hyves.net” => “Hyves”,
“identi.ca” => “Identica”,
“www.instapaper.com” => “Instapaper”,
“www.investorlinks.com/zingiling” => “InvestorLinks”,
“www.jamespot.com” => “Jamespot”,
“www.jumptags.com” => “Jumptags”,
“www.kaboodle.com” => “Kaboodle”,
“www.kaevur.com” => “Kaevur”,
“www.kirtsy.com” => “KiRTSY”,
“www.kledy.de” => “Kledy”,
“www.koornk.com” => “koornk”,
“kudos.no” => “Kudos”,
“laaik.it” => “Laaikit”,
“www.librerio.com” => “Librerio”,
“linkninja.com.br” => “Link Ninja”,
“www.linkagogo.com” => “Link-a-Gogo”,
“linkedin.com” => “LinkedIn”,
“linkuj.cz” => “Linkuj.cz”,
“bing.com” => “Live”,
“www.mediapratique.com” => “Livefavoris”,
“www.livejournal.com” => “LiveJournal”,
“www.lunch.com” => “Lunch.com”,
“www.lynki.com” => “Lynki”,
“www.meccho.com” => “Meccho”,
“www.meinvz.net” => “meinVZ”,
“memori.ru” => “Memori.ru”,
“www.meneame.net” => “Menéame”,
“www.mindbodygreen.com” => “Mindbodygreen”,
“www.mister-wong.com” => “Mister Wong”,
“www.mister-wong.de” => “Mister Wong DE”,
“www.mixx.com” => “Mixx”,
“multiply.com” => “Multiply”,
“my.aol.com” => “myAOL”,
“www.mylinkvault.com” => “mylinkvault”,
“www.myspace.com” => “MySpace”,
“www.n4g.com” => “N4G”,
“www.netlog.com” => “NetLog”,
“www.netvibes.com” => “Netvibes”,
“www.netvouz.com” => “Netvouz”,
“newstrust.net” => “NewsTrust”,
“www.newsvine.com” => “Newsvine”,
“www.nujij.nl” => “Nujij”,
“oknotizie.virgilio.it” => “OKNOtizie”,
“www.oneview.de” => “oneview”,
“www.orkut.com” => “orkut”,
“www.osmosus.com” => “Osmosus”,
“www.oyyla.com” => “Oyyla”,
“www.pdfonline.com” => “PDF Online”,
“www.phonefavs.com” => “PhoneFavs”,
“pimpthisblog.com” => “PimpThisBlog”,
“ping.fm” => “Ping.fm”,
“planyp.us” => “Planypus”,
“www.plaxo.com” => “Plaxo”,
“www.plurk.com” => “Plurk”,
“www.polladium.com” => “Polladium”,
“posterous.com” => “Posterous”,
“addthis.com” => “Print”,
“www.printfriendly.com” => “PrintFriendly”,
“www.propeller.com” => “Propeller”,
“www.pusha.se” => “Pusha”,
“quantcast.com” => “Quantcast”,
“readitlaterlist.com” => “Read It Later”,
“www.reddit.com” => “Reddit”,
“scoop.at” => “Scoop.at”,
“segnalo.virgilio.it” => “Segnalo”,
“www.sekoman.lv” => “Sekoman”,
“shaveh.co.il” => “Shaveh”,
“shetoldme.com” => “SheToldMe”,
“www.simpy.com” => “Simpy”,
“slashdot.org” => “Slashdot”,
“smaknews.com” => “SmakNews”,
“www.sodahead.com” => “SodaHead”,
“sonico.com” => “Sonico”,
“www.speedtile.net” => “Speedtile”,
“sphinn.com” => “Sphinn”,
“springpadit.com” => “springpad”,
“www.spruzer.com” => “Spruzer”,
“www.squidoo.com” => “Squidoo”,
“www.startaid.com” => “Startaid”,
“www.startlap.hu” => “Startlap”,
“www.strands.com” => “Strands”,
“www.studivz.net” => “studiVZ”,
“www.stuffpit.com” => “Stuffpit”,
“www.stumbleupon.com” => “StumbleUpon”,
“www.stumpedia.com” => “Stumpedia”,
“www.stylehive.com” => “Stylehive”,
“www.surfpeople.net” => “Surfpeople”,
“svejo.net” => “Svejo”,
“symbaloo.com” => “Symbaloo”,
“www.tagza.com” => “Tagza”,
“technorati.com” => “Technorati”,
“tellmypolitician.com” => “TellMyPolitician”,
“www.thisnext.com” => “ThisNext”,
“tipd.com” => “Tip'd”,
“www.transferr.com” => “Transferr”,
“translate.google.com” => “Translate”,
“www.tulinq.com” => “Tulinq”,
“www.tumblr.com” => “Tumblr”,
“www.tusul.com” => “Tusul”,
“tweetmeme.com” => “TweetMeme”,
“twitter.com” => “Twitter”,
“www.typepad.com” => “Typepad”,
“www.viadeo.com/fr/connexion” => “Viadeo”,
“www.virb.com” => “Virb”,
“www.vyoom.com” => “Vyoom”,
“www.webnews.de” => “Webnews”,
“whois.domaintools.com” => “Whois Lookup”,
“www.windycitizen.com” => “Windy Citizen”,
“wirefan.com” => “WireFan”,
“wordpress.com” => “WordPress”,
“www.worio.com/search” => “Worio”,
“www.wovre.com” => “Wovre”,
“www.wykop.pl” => “Wykop”,
“bookmarks.yahoo.com” => “Y! Bookmarks”,
“mail.yahoo.com” => “Y! Mail”,
“fr.buzz.yahoo.com” => “Yahoo! Buzz France”,
“www.yammer.com” => “Yammer”,
“www.yardbarker.com” => “Yardbarker”,
“www.yazzem.com” => “Yazzem”,
“www.yigg.de” => “Yigg”,
“www.yoolink.fr” => “Yoolink”,
“www.yorumcuyum.com” => “Yorumcuyum”,
“youbookmarks.com” => “Youbookmarks”,
“www.youmob.com” => “YouMob”,


function ListSites($list) {

foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
echo “

  • $val
  • “;



    Integration with Social Networking Sites

    We can integrate your website (forum, blog) with any of the social networking website below. Just ask us in the form at the right side of this page.

    Quick ScreenShot Capture Utility

    function showPane(paneId) {

    // Шаг 1 – ставим общее кол-во закладок, если больше – увеличиваем на единицу, меньше – соотв. уменьшаем
    var panes = [“0″,”1″,”2″,”3″,”4”];

    for(n in panes) {

    if (n == paneId) {
    document.getElementById(“pane”+panes[n]).style.display = “block”;

    else {
    document.getElementById(“pane”+panes[n]).style.display = “none”;


    What is ClickScreenshot?

    ClickScreenshot is a 72 Kb utility that allows to quickly capture screen shots from your computer.

    Price: $29

    Or get it free

    ClickScreenshot overview

    ClickScreenshot allows you to capture screenshots without using Photoshop or MS Paint! It loads immediately and allows you to create a screenshot in under a second even on older computers. This is all due to the program's very small size.

    You have an option to choose what format screenshots should be saved GIF or JPG (default is JPG). If JPEG is selected you can even specify the quality of the format – Low, Middle (default) or High, so it's ready to be used right after you download it!

    ClickScreenshot features

    • Tiny size
    • Screenshot in one click!
    • Ability to save in JPG or GIF formats
    • Ability to select JPG compression

    ClickScreenshot screenshot

    Main window



    There several ways to fight spammers:

    • Delete SPAM posts everyday (very tiring and impractical)
    • Use one of our scripts (much easier than the first one)
    • Protect your registration with special mods that will stop SPAM registrations completely


    ClickScreenshot system requirements

    • OS: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Seven
    • RAM: 128 Mb+
    • HDD: 1 MB

    Version comparison chart

    Home Pro
    Price Free $29*
    Small copyright watermark yes no
    Technical support no yes

    * – free for our hosting customers.

    Website Virus Clean-up services

    About virus cleaning

    обычно вирусы появляются из-за того, что в скрипте, который использует ваш сайт хакеры могут найти уязвимость. И найдя ее они используют ее вовсю, чтобы разместить там свою рекламу, вирус или чтобы рассылать спам.

    Что входит

    1. Поиск вирусов
    2. Анализ уязвимости
    3. Предоставление вариантов решения


    от 150 долл