How to create a database in cPanel?

Any CMS (content management system) like Word Press, Drupal or Joomla needs a database (DB) which is used to store data. In fact, most scripts used today on web sites need databases.

So, before I install any CMS or a script that needs a DB on my site, I had to create a database which later would be connected to the files of my site in my hosting account. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it myself because I didn’t know anything about databases. Yet, it turned out to be very simple when using cPanel.

  1. I went to cPanel — > Databases — > MySQL Database Wizard.
  2. I created a database following 3 easy steps: I had to make up the name of the database, the name of the user for the database and the password. I gave all privileges to the user.
  3. I wrote down this information for future reference.

Here is a more detailed article about creating a database in cPanel with screenshots

If you are our hosting customer you can always ask us to create a database for you at no charge. If you haven't done so yet, please sign up for one of our web hosting packages: GoEasy or MSH (Managed Shared Hosting)
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