DNS basics or how the browser finds your site

Understanding how basic DNS system works is helpful when troubleshooting your site's issues or deciding how to configure your domain

There are some important points that need to be understood

DNS – domain name system used to translate host names to IP address
DNS zone – is a text record that contains IP address to host name translations
address-to-name translation – a line of text in the DNS zone that tells at what IP address and a host is located

  1. A DNS zone is the record that contains all IP address-to-name translations.
  2. Name servers are where DNZ zone is stored.

Normally, when you register a domain you have two options:

  1. Point your domain to your web hosting company's name servers and let them manage the zone for you
  2. Use your domain registrar and create a zone there and manage everything from the registrar's end

Enabling IMAP in Gmail

IMAP allows you to read your messages on the server without “popping” them to your computer like offered with POP accounts. The advantage is that all messages and folder will remain in tact in your Gmail account

  1. Log in to your Gmail account
  2. Click on Settings link at the top and then on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP link. This will bring you to configuration screen.
  3. Under IMAP Access: section make sure Enable IMAP is checked
  4. Follow the “Configuration instructions” link to configure your mail client like Outlook, Thunderbird, iPhone

Good email practices

To prevent your domain being blacklisted or blocked by email providers the following steps should be taken.

Steps to follow

  1. Make sure you have SPF (sender policy framework) and Domain Keys enabled for your domain(s). This can be done from you hosting control panel. From the control panel click on the “Email Authentication” icon. From the next screen you will be able to enable both SPF and Domain Keys for your domain(s).
  2. Here's a good article on SPF records at Wikipedia – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework
    Here's an articles on Domain Keys – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys_Identified_Mail

  3. If you are going to set up email lists on your account. Make sure they are “clean”. What we mean by that is the emails on your list should be from people who voluntarily agreed to receive emails from you. Make sure your unsubscribe process is easy and there's an unsubscribe link in every email.
  4. Always use a double-opt-in sign up process. Which is basically asking the same question twice to make user your recipients understand that they will be receiving an email from you and not make any mistakes.

Other smart options

  1. Separate your emails from your site. Either get a dedicated IP address that will only be used for emails or get another web hosting package that you will only use for emails.
  2. Use another domain for emails. For example if you have domain.com register and use email-domain.com This way all your email communications will be separate from your site
  3. Use a service to send emails out like Constant Contact. This way your domain will be well protected and you can also easily manage your list through them.
  4. Sign up for a Gmail account and map it to your domain to send emails that way. We have a hosting package and instructions on how to do that

VPS Hosting. Is it worth it?

What other providers don't want you to know about VPS and shared hosting.

Who needs a VPS and what is it? Is there a better way?

Here's a typical problem. Your hosting provider promised you unlimited everything hoping that your site will not grow too large but then it happens. Your site “outgrows” shared hosting and you have no choice but move because you were told by your hosting provider that you are using up a lot of their resources on their already heavily overloaded servers with hundreds of sites. You have no choice but to quickly move to a VPS – virtual private server. A VPS is a virtual server that runs on a physical machine in its own allocated environment. To a user it appears as though it's a separate virtual server but in reality it shares the dedicated server resources where it runs with all other VPSes on that server. This slows down the performance and make any VPS susceptible to the same issues and any low cost shared hosting. By moving to a VPS you are on your own. This can be the end of your site and sometimes online business. In addition to this most providers hate VPSes because the profit margins from them are very low and they are just a pain to deal with. So VPS is basically a stepping stone to a dedicated box. Your provider will make sure you will soon upgrade.

We offer a very elegant solution with our VIP hosting package. It's priced higher than a VPS service but lower than a dedicated server. Here's how it works: In most cases your site needs to be analyzed and the scripts and queries causing the issues fixed. Also, your site needs more “air” to breathe, more resources not shared with hundreds of other sites. That is what we offer to you with our VIP hosting package. If your current hosting provider is telling you to leave – come to us and we'll make you feel at home.

What's included

  • Features of GoEasy hosting package
  • + Development rate: $50/h
  • + Website Bugs Monitoring
  • + Minor Website updates

VPS vs Managed hosting comparison chart

  • Support is always available by phone
  • Smooth website running monitor
  • 1 h of development is in the price
  • In most of the cases you are always responsible for the VPS configuration its smooth running, website debugging, developer searching, etc

    Some other VPS info

    Still have questions? Please use the form on the right side to send us email or give us a call at 1-917-558-8139.


    Home Pro
    Price Free $5*
    Small copyright watermark yes no
    Technical support no yes


    Datacenter information

    Our servers are located in one of the best privately owned Data Centers in Lansing, MI.

    Primary technical specifications:

    Network Gear

    • Cisco GSR 12000 Border Routers
    • Cisco 6509 Sup720 Core Network
    • Cisco 3550 Distribution Switches


    • Liebert Precision 22 ton up flow air conditioning units

    Power System

    • 300kva Powerware 9315
    • Cummins 313 kVA Diesel Generator
    • Kohler 650 kVA Diesel Generator


    • AT&T
    • LEVEL(3)
    • Verizon
    • Savvis
    • Sprint

    Picture gallery



    Play the data center video

    Very Strong Password Generator

    For your convenience we generated 2 groups of 5 different passwords each. Strong and medium groups. Please note that these passwords are secure and generated only for you (for this particular session) and every time you refresh the page the passwords below will change as they generated automatically.

    Strong passwords

    Hard to remember, but easy to write down.

      $limit = "5";
      while($limit–) {
      $pass = substr(crypt(date(rand())),3,18);
      echo "

    1. $pass
    2. “;

    Semi-strong passwords

    Easy to remember.

      $limit = "5";
      while($limit–) {
      $pass = substr(md5(crypt(date(rand()))),3,9);
      echo "

    1. $pass
    2. “;

    If you wish to see new passwords, just press the “Generate passwords again” button below.

    Import database to MySQL

    Importing a database from a shell:

    If you already have a dump of the database you wish to import on a server, then run from your terminal window command to import it:

    mysql -u username -ppassword database_name < dump.sql


    Backup all available databases:

    Run from your terminal window to get dump of all databases:

    mysqldump -u username -ppassword -all-databases > dump.sql

    Please note, that all databases in the example above will be dumped as a single file.


    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to run external programs in safe mode

    by Alex Benko, 2by2host

    How to fix – MediaWiki Error creating thumbnail: Unable to run external programs in safe mode

    This issue happens when Image Magic is enabled. The easiest way to fix it, is to find your LocalSetting.php file and comment out the following lines:

    # $wgUseImageMagick = true;

    # $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = “/usr/bin/convert”;

    Commenting out the “wgUseImageMagic” line will enable thumbnails for the newly uploaded images. Nice and simple!

    There are a lot of subtleties in MediaWiki's configuration. We are here to assist you. Two of our hosting plans have been recommended for MediaWiki. They are our managed shared hosting for somebody who needs us to manage their MediaWiki site or GoEasy plan for somebody who will run everything on their own. This fulfills all your needs when you're looking for the best MediaWiki web hosting.

    Flushing DNS cache

    DNS cache is something that your computer uses to quickly look up the IP address of for example a web site. There are some situations that will require your to clear your DNS cache in order to get the latest information.

    To flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows (98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7):

    • Go to Start -> Run -> type in cmd
    • from command prompt, type ipconfig /flushdns
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on Mac OSX (Leopard):

    • type lookupd -flushcache in the terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on Mac OSX:

    • type dscacheutil -flushcache in your terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on a Linux box you need to restart the nscd service/daemon:

    • type /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart the terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache
    We have experienced Linux and Windows specialists on-site, so you can always contact our hosting support team, if you have any issues accessing your website.

    Shared Web Hosting : Sign up & Save using Hosting Coupons


    2by2host.com shared webhosting coupon:

  • Type in KAM17BIZ during registration and save – $5 off – expires on June 30, 2009
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    Get 25% off our high end packages if you order today! The coupon can be used by our existing customers as well while ordering a new hosting package. The coupon can be also given to a friend or relative.

    Coupon code: summer2010

    Expires on on July 30, 2010.

    * This offer applies to hosting packages pre-paid for at least 1 year and is redeemed within 2 months after the desired limit of referrals has been reached. Please, contact us when that happens and we will start the process for you.