by Alex Benko, 2by2host

How to configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system.

  1. Log in to your control panel which is normally located at
  2. Click on the “Forwarders” icon in your cPanel
  3. Click on the “Add Forwarder” button
  4. Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the “Address to Forward” field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list
  5. Next, make sure the “Forward to email address:” radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field
  6. Click on the “Add Forwarder” button to add this forwarder

That will enable forwarding for the email address you used

If you are our managed shared hosting customer, you can always ask our hosting support team to enable email forwarding for you for free.