Privacy policy

Responsibility:’s responsibility to our customers’ privacy is described in this section. Unless required by law or as otherwise provided herein, will take commercially reasonable steps to ensure your privacy rights. is committed to developing relationships with customers that are based on trust and never will intentionally defy that trust.

Confidentiality. With the exception of trusted business affiliates and/or associates who work on behalf of or in connection with and can be subject to specific confidentiality agreements, will not provide or sell to any third party your personal information and will keep all customer information confidential. will share information in the following situations :

  1. To avert, scrutinize, or take action regarding illegal activities, any situations involving threats to the physical safety of a person, potential fraud, violations or suspected violations of our Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by Federal or Massachusetts law.
  2. Certain customer information (contact information) is transferred to WHOIS during domain registration to our affiliated third-party domain registrar Enom.
  3. If is merged with or acquired by another company, may transfer the information about the customers to that company and will notify their customers about the change.
  4. com will respond to court orders, subpoenas, or other legal process, and will make use of the customers information as necessary to exercise or establish’s legal rights or defend against any legal claims.

Encryption: When customers order from all of customer’s personal information is protected, the transmission of personal data is encrypted. uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is the industry standard for encrypting all personal information (name, address and credit card numbers), provided by and Paypal.

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

How to configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system.

  1. Log in to your control panel which is normally located at
  2. Click on the “Forwarders” icon in your cPanel
  3. Click on the “Add Forwarder” button
  4. Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the “Address to Forward” field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list
  5. Next, make sure the “Forward to email address:” radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field
  6. Click on the “Add Forwarder” button to add this forwarder

That will enable forwarding for the email address you used

If you are our managed shared hosting customer, you can always ask our hosting support team to enable email forwarding for you for free.

Translation and localization services

All translation services are provided by our business partner
All links below go directly to the services on their web-site.

Document translation

We focus our attention on translation of documents, including but not limited
to passports, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates,
work books, insurance policies; residency documents, marriage certificates,

Interpreting services provides various interpretation services. Our representatives
are available in the Boston (US) area and Moscow city (Russia). If an order
for interpretation services is placed in advance, we can send our specialists
to practically any location…

Software localization translators also have programming knowledge and can do quality
translations in technology fields. They can localize software in Russian
as well as any other languages we work with (see the list of languages).

Certified translations

At a customer's request we can certify the translation of documents. This
means that we admit our responsibility for the translation quality. When
required, the translated documents can be also notarized.

Phone translation

We provide cost effective interpreter assisted three-way (conference) calling.
Please, find our packages and rates by following this link.


Web-site localization & translation services

Our partner offers web-site localization and translation services. They will translate your site to any language of your choice. Briefly about the company: they specializes in translations from English to a select group of European and Eurasian languages. Translations from English to Ukrainian or Russian are among of their most popular services.

PHP programming & outsourcing services

We have qualified PHP programmers on-site

Computer books for newbies

For computer newbies we created a book “Greenhorn's ABC to computers”.


Terms of use of free scripts

Buy the copyright link removal

You can have the copyright link removed for $15. Click the button below to submit the paymnet for that and add the URL to your forum in the comments. We will then send you our special mod that will remove the copyright notice from your site.

ENGLISH – Standard rules to use a mod

  1. By downloading and installing this mod you automatically agree with these rules.
  2. Company 2by2host .com the “developer” of this mod is not responsible for any issues you might have after or during the installation of this mod.
  3. The developer is not responsible for any incompatibilities of this mod with your forum.
  4. After installing this mod a link will be placed on your forum informing you and others that the forum has been patched by the developer *. This link is your appreciation of our work. If you do believe that other's work should be free then please come and work for us for free.
  5. You have the right to use the mod for as long as you like.
  6. It is forbidden for the user to gain any monetary compensation for sharing or using this mod.
  7. It is allowed to gain monetary compensation for the installation of this mod by a third party.
  8. It's not allowed to remove or hide our Copyright link without getting a written permission from us first.
  9. These rules can be changed or appended at any time without any prior notification.
  10. We require our links and copyright notice to stay where we initially put them.
  11. All users that violated these terms even once will not be granted a permission to remove or modify our link.
  12. No support will be offered to the ones who removed our copyright link without a written permission from us.
  13. Free support of the mods is offered at our free time voluntarily.
  14. We allow link removal for a one time $15 fee. You will receive simple instructions and our permission
  15. You will not distribute a modified version of it
  16. No support is provided to anonymous users. If a link to your site is not provided we'll not render any support or comments.

RUSSIAN – Правила пользования модом

  1. Скачивая и устанавливая данный мод вы автоматически соглашаетесь с этим документом.
  2. Компания – разработчик (далее “разработчик”) этого мода не несет ответственности за любые проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в процессе или после установки этого мода.
  3. Разработчик не несет ответственности за совместимость этого мода с вашим форумом.
  4. После установки мода на вашем форуме автоматически устанавливается ссылка, извещающая вас и пользователей о том, что данный форум был пропатчен разработчиком *. Размещение наших копирайтов на вашем сайте является выражением вашей благодарности за нашу работу. Если вы считаете, что работа других должна быть бесплатна, то мы искренне приглашаем вас поработать на нас. Бесплатно.
  5. Как пользователь, вы вправе бесплатно пользоваться модом неограниченное количество времени.
  6. Пользователю запрещено взымать какие-либо денежные средства за распространение этого мода.
  7. Не запрещено взымание платы за установку этого мода другим лицам.
  8. Запрещено самостоятельное удаление или прятание ссылки компании разработчика без ее письменного разрешения (факс, емейл) на это.
  9. Данные правила могут быть изменены в любое время без предварительного уведомления об этом пользователей скрипта.
  10. Наши копирайты должны находится ровно в тех же местах, где официально находятся копирайты конкретного open source продукта.
  11. Пользователям, нарушившим единожды эти правила может быть отказано в предоставлении разрешения на удаление наших копирайтов.
  12. Поддержка модов не предоставляется при одностороннем удалении наши копирайты без нашего на то разрешения.
  13. Бесплатная поддержка модов осуществляется разработчиком исключительно в свободное от работы время и на добровольной основе
  14. Разрешено одностороннее удаление ссылки за оплату в $15. Вы получите четкие и очень простые инструкции и наше разрешение.
  15. Запрещено распространие исправленных вами модов от вашего имени
  16. Поддержка анонимным пользователям не предоставляется. Это означает, что если вы не предоставили ссылку на ваш сайт, то мы не предоставим вам поддержки и даже комментариев.

* [EN] If you are our hosting customer you may ask us to remove the link (it's free and fast). Also our hosting customers get free support for our Mods. Here is more information about hosting.

* [RU] Пользователь вправе попросить нас удалить эту ссылку (это бесплатно и быстро), но только в случае, если он/она является нашим хостинговым клиентом. В дополнение к этому наши хостинговые клиенты получают бесплатную техническую поддержку на моды, созданные нами.

WHOISclient – be a spy!

What is WHOISclient?

WHOIS client is a program that allows looking up domain name registration information right from your computer.

It’s a very slick application that sits in your system tray and can be used at any time – just type in your domain name and click the “View whois” button. You can then save that information as a file for future reference. Be a spy!


Download Whois Client:

Download Domain Whois Client (it's free and only 250 Kb)

How we back up all sites

According to our rules the customers are fully responsible for backing up their websites and databases. However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t run any backups at all. We run backups for the entire server and in case of any emergency we’ll try to restore them as quickly as possible.

For the ones who are familiar with computer technology we’d like to show how an average backup should be handled. The information below applies if you have a dedicated server and several websites on it with MySQL being the back-end.

Backup stages

We divide backup process into several stages:

  1. Backup of website files
  2. Backup of databases
  3. Regular backup of everything

Backup of website files

To backup files we should know where they are located and then we run this backup command for every website we have:

tar -czf website_name.tar.gz /home/website/

Backup of databases

Let’s assume that we know login details to the database of the website we backed up above:

mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > database.sql

To save disk space it would be good to zip that MySQL dump with the gzip command.

mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name | gzip > database.sql.gz

Regular backup of everything

To automate the backup process it’s better run it periodically with a special script. The cron will help us with it! The cron is a clock utility for Linux that executes commands at specified dates and times, but first of all we need to create our special script (hmm.. let’s call it “”) and save it. Then, add it to the cron job schedule:

The backup script:

tar -czf website_name.tar.gz /home/website/;
mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name | gzip > database.sql.gz;

Ok, guys it’s time to add to the cron job. Run cronjob command with the -e (edit) option:

crontab -e

As a result we should see something like that:

0 1 * * 1 /usr/bin/errclear -m
0 1 * * 2 /usr/bin/errclear -w

It doesn’t really matter what the lines, starting from “/usr…” do. These lines are just the absolute paths to the scripts and programs that will be executed. But it’s matter what the numbers and stars before them means. These 5 columns telling the cron what date and time the script/program should run:

  1. Minutes. 00-59
  2. Hours 00-23
  3. Day in a month 01-31
  4. Month in a year 01-12
  5. Day of the week 0-6, where the Sunday is 6

Let’s assume that our script is located on /backup/ and we want to run it every Friday at 22:37 forever. In that case we should add the line like this:

37 22 * * * /backup/

So in the cron job schedule edit mode we would see:

0 1 * * 1 /usr/bin/errclear -m
0 1 * * 2 /usr/bin/errclear -w
37 22 * * 4 /backup/

Save the cron job schedule and exit it. Now our backup will run every Friday at 22:37

Increasing the chances of survival of site backup

Now we have backups of the database and website files, but we have a little issue with the reliability. They are all located on the same server with our websites. This is a not good practice to leave them there, so we need to regularly download backup files to another server or local PC/Mac.

How to create symbolic link in Linux

It's a piece of cake. Just run the following command in the directory where you want to create that symbolic link:

ln -s /desired_directory

Then if you need that directory to be available in your website, add this directive to your htaccess file:

Options FollowSymLinks

Have any issues or questions about your Linux machine? Ask our specialists, using the form on the right side.

Update MySQL where id in range and use md5

In MySQL sometimes we need to update a set of rows within the specific range of ids. If the range is short then we can use the ID IN (ids) argument. If it's long and we know that range, let's use the BETWEEN value AND value argument.

UPDATE `table` SET `password` = (SELECT MD5(uniqueName)) WHERE `id` BETWEEN 863 AND 987

Getting disk size in Linux

It's very simple to get the disk size and its utilization in Linux. Just run this command:


In return you should see something like that:

user [/home/]# df
Filesystem	1K-blocks	Used	Available	Use%	Mounted on
/dev/sda7	2063504	15775	381136		81%	 /
/dev/sda1	1035660	51652	931400		6% /boot
/dev/sda8	4529120	103776	326129		25%	 /home
/dev/sda6	2063504	58300	1900384	3% /tmp

Installing OpenX ad server

Although generally a simple task installing OpenX ad server can be somewhat tricky. The basic requirements for it are PHP5 and MySQL or PostgreSQL. Make sure you have these on your server by running [?phpinfo();?] from an info.php file. In some cases you might need to set your control panel to use PHP5. See our article for that.

Follow these simple instructions to install OpenX server

  1. Download the latest OpenX archive from and upload it to a folder in your hosting account. For example: /ads. We recommend creating a sub-domain for it. Something like:
  2. Expand the OpenX archive and make sure all files are in the directory you created. If you're using cPanel use Extract utility from the File Manager and then move the extracted files to the installation folder
  3. Create a database and take a note of the database name, user name and user password. You will need them during the installation
  4. Set the 777 permissions on the following folders: /var and /images. You should do this from an FTP client and make sure to select recursive permission change. Otherwise, the installation script will give you an error.

  5. Open up the folder where you extracted OpenX to. This will launch the installation process.
  6. Follow the installation steps to finish everything up.

After this you can log in to OpenX and start learning it

We can install OpenX for you professionally. Feel free to contact us for a quote.