What are Drupal nodes?

Drupal nodes

In Drupal all content is considered nodes. This applies to any page, posting, poll, text, blog entry or forum. This kind of approach introduces certain flexibility when creating content on your Drupal site. It also makes it very easy to apply new changes or features to all content at once.

The nodes module manages these nodes in the background. The Drupal nodes module allows you to do the following:

  1. Create new or manage already existing content types. You can also configure and list it.
  2. Set parameters of how how the posts are displayed
  3. Manipulate (sort through, list, manage) the entire content of your Drupal site

The idea of “content types” allows creation of nodes for various purposes. A good example is a “book page” or “story” contents, each are used for their own special purposes.

Drupal content can be manipulated in the following fashion:

  1. Access permissions can be set for various nodes here: Administer – User management – Access control
  2. Search through or for the content can be done through the Drupal search
  3. Node administration can be done here: Administer – Content management – Content
  4. Configuration of the workflow and some other settings for each node can be done here: Administer – Content management – Content types
  5. Configuration of the number of nodes that are displayed on the main page and the length of shorten posts can be done here: Administer – Content management – Post settings

This manual applies to Drupal 5.x and Drupal 6.x

Great tech support

Is your PC plugged in?

This took place when one of our customers had to deal with his past web hosting provider. We are not exposing the name of it for the known reasons.

08:16:14 Bhagashri: bhaguvarishatisivinabudasan is here
08:16:29 Bhagashri: i thought you disconnected
08:16:37 Bhagashri: hello? may I help you?
08:16:53 Bhagashri: i fix you site kindly
08:16:53 Visitor!: hello
08:17:12 Visitor!: thank you, is it free?
08:17:12 Bhagashri: hello sir, how can i help you? sir
08:17:33 Bhagashri: yes, my help is absolutely free sir
08:18:05 Bhagashri: hello! helcome our support. may I help you?
08:18:06 Visitor!: ok, I'd like to purchase your hosting
08:18:18 Bhagashri: my hosting?
08:18:28 Visitor!: yes
08:18:43 Bhagashri: ok, sir that is fine
08:19:07 Bhagashri: you can do this here: hosting link
08:19:31 Visitor!: your link does not work
08:19:47 Bhagashri: sir, is your pc plugged in?
08:20:03 Visitor!: let me check
08:20:18 Bhagashri: i'm checking same on my pc
08:20:36 Visitor!: how you do that? please teach
08:20:37 Bhagashri: yes, it's plugged in
08:20:52 Bhagashri: the wall
08:21:01 Bhagashri: you need plug into wall
08:22:03 Bhagashri: what is the color of your wall?
08:22:23 Visitor!: I think it's green
08:22:27 Visitor!: not sure
08:22:34 Visitor!: will it work?
08:22:36 Bhagashri: let me check with my supervisor
08:22:54 Bhagashri: ok, checked with my supervisor
08:23:20 Bhagashri: you need to look for 2 holes in the wall
08:23:25 Bhagashri: just put it there
08:24:26 Bhagashri: this will fix your problem
08:25:49 Bhagashri: bye sir!

cPanel. How to create email forwarder

by Leah Webber, cPanel guide

After I created several email accounts, I was ready to receive emails from people and customers, but having a lot of email account got me into a trouble of checking all these new mail boxes. I’ve found a way out by creating email forwarders in cPanel.

When you create a forwarder, you make emails from one email account come to another. If you have several accounts, you can forward them all to one email and check your mail, which would simplify things greatly. Remember that the mail will be copied to the destination account, so you’ll have to delete mail both from the forwarded account and from the destination account.

Well, forwarding turned out to be very easy: I only had to find the icon “Forwarder” in the “Mail” section and click on it.

Next, I clicked on “Add Forwarder”

I was taken to the page where I had to type in the first part of the address which I want to forward and the destination address which will receive all my mail.

I clicked the “Add Forwarder” button on the bottom and the message about a successful operation came up.

I clicked the “Go back” button to see if the forwarder has been created.

Adding an email address in cPanel

When I started working with cPanel, one of the first tasks I had to do was to create an e-mail account.

1. I looked through the home page of the cPanel and in the right-side column found the heading “Mail”.

It showed no icons because it was collapsed. I clicked on the arrow to expand it. Then found the icon “Email Accounts”. It's located right in the upper left-hand corner of the area.

2. I clicked on this icon. Having looked through the dialog which appeared before me, I noticed that there's already a “default” account but cPanel tips advised me to create a new account of my own, and so I did.

3. Under the heading: “Add a new email account” I found several boxes which I had to fill out. On the first line I had to type the beginning of my future email account (only the part before the @ symbol!). I didn’t change the second part. It had to match with my domain name. (1)

The name of the account depends on your likes, imagination and functionality of the mail. For example, I created several accounts: contact@testdomain.com, helponline@testdomain.com, suggestions@testdomain.com – each one for a different purpose. If your site has several users, every user can have an email account.

It is also possible to manage email accounts if you have several domains. Then the box with the second part of an email address will show choice of names in the drop-down menu and you will be able to choose between them.

Then, the password (2). Its safety not only depends on the length. The password strength indicator (3) indicated that even the longest password was weak. When I added numbers to my password, the indicator showed the “OK”. Re-entering password was not a problem at all. (4)

In the box “Mailbox disk quota” (5) you can enter any quantity of megabytes. It should neither be too small, nor too large. I left the space blank. That means the disk space for this account is unlimited.

Click “create”.

This was what I’d got in the end.

4. Next I saw a dialog saying that I had successfully created my e-mail account and a suggestion to configure the account to work with a mail client. I knew I could do it later. So I pressed the “No” button.

5. I went back and saw the account I had just created. To the right of my email account there were several options, among them the “functions”, where I could change password, quota or delete this account.

FTP login details checker

function ifExistValueShowIt($valuename) {

if (!empty($_REQUEST[$valuename]))
echo $_REQUEST[$valuename];


// Например из строки host : http://domen.com извлечёт domen.com
function clean_cred($cred) {

$cred = str_replace(‘http://’, ”, $cred);
$cred = preg_replace(‘//$/si’, ”, $cred);
$cred = preg_replace(‘/^(.+?:)/si’, ”, $cred);
$cred = trim($cred);



// Проверка
function CheckFTP() {

$elements = explode(”
“, $_POST[‘elements’]);

$elements = array_map(‘trim’, $elements);

$creds = array();

for ($i=0; $i<count($elements); $i++) {

// Пропускаем пустые строки
if (empty($elements[$i])) {

// Чистим строки от легенд
$creds[]= clean_cred($elements[$i]);

if (count($creds) != 3) {

return(‘Неправильно введены данные!’);

// установка соединения
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($creds[‘0’]);

if ($conn_id) {

// попытка входа
if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $creds[‘1’], $creds[‘2’])) {
return “Success, connected to $creds[0] as $creds[1]@$creds[2]
} else {
return “Wrong username $creds[1] or password $creds[2]

// Закрытие соединения


else return(“$creds[0] is refused connection”);



Example 1:

Example 2:
host: https://2by2host.com/
log in :login12


<textarea name=”elements” style=”width: 400px;” rows=”7″><? ifExistValueShowIt(“elements”); ?></textarea>

<? if ($_POST) echo CheckFTP(); ?>

Alternate SMTP port

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

Configuring an alternative SMTP port

In a lot of cases today your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will block outgoing port 25. Port 25 is used for outgoing SMTP traffic and ISPs block it to avoid SPAM that your account might send. It might seem like a good thing to do but I does cause some confusion and frustration to the end users.

A good hosting provider should run their SMTP services on a few alternative ports. One of the is port 587. Try using it in your SMTP settings and it should work great. Otherwise, you'll have to contact your provider to get that alternative port number.

We always suggest to our shared hosting and managed shared hosting customers to use the alternative SMTP port 587.

Transferring your site from Arvixe to 2by2host

When transferring your web site from Arvixe to 2by2host it's important to understand that Arvixe's backup utility is very sporadic and doesn't seem to work well. Therefore, there's no other choice but to transfer everything manually.

The whole process can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Archiving and moving the files
  2. Dumping database and moving it
  3. Moving emails

Archiving and moving files

Log in to your hosting cPanel which is normally located at http://your_domain/cpanel

  1. Click on the “File Manager” icon. This will open the file manager.
  2. Expand your home directory by clicking on the + sign next to it. This will display a list of directories within.
  3. Open your public_html directory by clicking on the words “public_html”. You will see the contents of it in the right pane
  4. Click “Select all” at the top and then click on the “Compress” icon.
  5. On the next screen select the compression format – “Zip Archive” and the name of the archive to be saved as
  6. Click the “Compress file(s)” button. This will create an archive of all your files in public_html

You can now move your archive to the new account either via FTP or by wget if you have shell access

Dumping database and moving it

  1. To move your database(s) you will need to click on the “phpMyAdmin” icon in cPanel. This will launch phpMyAdmin utility
  2. Select the database you're going to export by clicking on it
  3. Click on the export link at the top
  4. Make sure all tables are selected and the export format is set to SQL
  5. Under “Save file as” section make sure “zipped” option is checked
  6. Click on the “Go” button

This will start the export/download process to save the database dump onto your computer. The process will depend on how large your database is and might take some time to run. After it's finished you will have a complete dump of your database is compressed format that you can now transfer to your new account

Moving emails

You will need to manually re-create all your email accounts from your new cPanel

To save your emails from the old account configure Outlook or Thurnderbird to POP all emails locally to your computer

Later on you can synchronize them with your new accounts or just export them as Microsoft .pst files that can then be viewed with Outlook

This completes the transfer process and if transferred to us is done absolutely free of charge. Enjoy?

W3C online validator

“red”,”Valid” => “#59AD34”);

if (!empty($_POST['urls'])) {
$host = get_headers(“http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=”. url_encode($_POST['urls']));
$status = trim(str_replace(“X-W3C-Validator-Status:”,””,$host['5']));

echo “

Validation results

HTML code for $_POST[urls]$status




Validate your HTML pages

Please enter one URL per line

<textarea name=”urls” style=”width:285px”></textarea>

How to send a lot of emails at once

Is it possible to do email marketing on your server

Unfortunately we don't allow sending unlimited emails from our hosting servers. It doesn't matter, whether you have a legitimate list of emails or not. By the way, an illegal list is considered to have been obtained in the following ways:

  • Purchased on the Internet
  • Purchased on the CD/DVD/etc
  • Data-mined from a search index
  • Data-mined from a directory (web or any other)
  • Anything obtained in a similar way

I have a legitimate opted-in list. How can I send emails to that?

There a lot of vendors who specialize in email marketing. We successfully tested only one of them and are still using their services. Therefore, if you have more than 100 recipients on your list, then you might be interested in using Constant Contact. We do recommend their services.

cPanel certificate error: Security issues? Why?

by George Yatsiv, 2by2host

Is your SSL valid?

This certificate in fact is valid and your connection is secured. This means that all data you exchange with our server is protected and nobody except you and our server know what you do in the cPanel.

But why do I get the “untrusted” message?

It looks untrusted to third-parties authorities. This is true, because the certificate was issued by us and but not them and they just can't verify it.

Disabling that annoying SSL reminder:

In FireFox

If you see the “This Connection is Untrusted” message

  1. Please click on “I understand the risks”
  2. and then click on the “Add exception” button that will appear
  3. Make sure the “Permanently store this exception” check-box is checked
  4. Click on “Confirm this security exception”

This will add our certificate to your operating system permanently and will not warn you anymore again for that particular site

In Internet Explorer

  1. Download our certificates: one, two
  2. Extract the certificates from the archive to your hard disk
  3. Open Internet Explorer, select Tools and Internet Options
  4. Select the Content tab and click the Certificates button
  5. In the new Certificates window select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab
  6. Click Import…, Next, then select whmcertificate.crt, click Next and Finish
  7. When asked if you want to import a new certificate click YES
  8. Restart Internet Explorer

By the way, 2by2host offers FREE SSL installations to our managed shared hosting or GoEasy hosting plan customers. However, they need to buy an SSL certificate beforehand, which can be also done from 2by2host for $50 a year. The installation cost for non-hosting customers is $25 + the cost of the certificate.