Open Source CMS Customization

How we can help you or your business progressively:

We will install, customize pr modify any open source software on your site and will do any additional development. We will help you with any product, even if it's not very popular or a new one. We have experience running high traffic sites with lots of visitors a day. Whatever your needs might be, we guarantee to build you a system that will work for you and for your customers.

Why and how do we do all this?

We are developers, designers and marketing strategists who are interested in growing the open source arena of software applications. Open source applications lack documentation, support, security and other things, therefore there is a need for a professional service that makes all this work the right way and you can sleep at night.

Our own software

We also develop our own in-house software for anybody to use. These include: content management system, modifications for phpBB, SMF, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook and Firefox, mySQL administration tool, project management software and various handy web utilities.

We are confident with the following applications:

$val) {
echo “



App name Hosting Web Development
$val activate $val hosting customize

Google Analytics Firefox Extension

Google Analytics Firefox Extension

Google Analytics Watcher allows you to view Google Analytics statistics of your website (we can install Google Analytics on your site for you for free if you become our hosting customer) right in the status bar of your Firefox browser.
Currently it displays the following values:

  1. Unique Visitors
  2. General Visits
  3. Pageviews
  4. New Visits
  5. Bounces

Screenshot and settings

Your Google Analytics Credentials – enter here your email and password that you use to access your Google Analytics account.

Templates – here you can customize the visual appearance of the watcher. You can use any text for that as well as special tokens that will be replaced by the appropriate values when displayed. You can read more about tokens here.

Caching – specify how frequently the displayed data should be updated.

Mouse Left Click – by default you can left-click on the watcher to force the update of the displayed data. Additionally, you can switch to the next profile by left-clicking.


You can use the following template tokens with the current version of the extension:

Token Value
Name of the current profile.
Bounces. This is the total number of single-page visits to your website.
New Visits. The number of first-time visitors.
Page-views. The total number of page-views of your website.
Unique Visitors. The total number of visitors on your website.
Visits. The total number of visits. A visit is single-user session.

Quick reference links

  1. Plugin configuration instructions
  2. What is “Google Analytics”
  3. Get a free install of this plugin when you purchase any webhosting package from us

Our choice of the best hosting packages that work flawlessly with Google Analytics is either our managed shared hosting or GoEasy plan both have been tested and tweaked to perfection. We will install Google Analytics for you on your site for free! We also offer plug-in development for Firefox at just ask by using the contact form.

Professional website for only $100

Thank you for your interest in “Complete website for $100” service. Please read more about what’s included. It is also a good idea to get familiar with the FAQs and look at the sample sites. You will be getting something similar.

Website for $100 includes:

  1. Web hosting (a place where your site will reside) for 12 months.
  2. Installation of your personal “character calculator” with unlimited use.
  3. Free domain registration like, .net. .org, .info for 12 months.
  4. Installation and creation of a WordPress site
  5. Installation of any theme of your choice. You can preview one here
  6. Instructions on how to use your site and how easy it is to add pages!
  7. Ability to create unlimited email account
  8. Ability to add sub-domains (subdomain is a custom address using your domain, something like:
  9. Fantastic tech support
  10. Easy-to-use control panel
  11. Tons of other features

Site samples (this is similar to what you’ll be getting).

Ordering website for $100

Does this all sound good so far? Let’s proceed to ordering. Even if you’re new to web sites and web hosting, the instructions below should help you successfully place your order. You should open up the ordering page in a new window, so that you could look at these instructions as necessary:

  1. Open up the ordering page and enter the domain name you’d like to use for your site.
  2. Click on the 'Click to continue' button after this you should see if the domain name is available and hasn’t been taken by somebody else.
  3. If the domain name is available click on the 'Click to continue' button once more.
  4. On the next page click 'Update cart'
  5. On the open page type in the coupon code 'free-lance' to get a 5% discount
  6. After the system has accepted the coupon code click 'Checkout'
  7. Enter your contact information in the open window. You can either use Paypal for payments or a credit card.
  8. This is it.


Q: How long does it take to have the site setup

A: Not more than 24 hours from the time we’ve received your payment

Q: Who will the domain name be registered to?

A: You

Q: Is it possible to order .com/net/org domains and what’s the cost?

О: Yes, the domain registration is included in the 3000 rubles

Q: What other payments do you accept?

A: We can take a check or a bank wire

Q: Can I put another site on my hosting account?

A: Yes

Q: Who should l contact for any questions?

A: Please use the form on the right side to ask any questions

Our Simplemachines mods

The list of the mods we have created for the Simplemachines (SMF) bulletin board software:

Facebook Twitter Mod – commercial version

Requirements: SMF 1.1.11, 2.0 RC3, PHP5, PHP cURL lib.
Compatibility: Official SMF 1.1.11, 2.0 RC3
Mods compatibility: Created by official SMF team only
Features: The most recent version includes:

  1. No copyright on the bottom of your forum!
  2. Support of Twitter OAuth!
  3. Support for new URL shortening services other then
  4. No more overloaded server due to Twitter not responding
  5. Great support and free one-time install on your forum

You can buy commercial version of the Twitter Mod v.2.5 for $49 USD.

This price is valid until February 2011 April 01, 2011. After that the price will be $80.

Ask for volume discounts if you'd like to buy more than one license.


Terms of service:

  • 1. We guarantee that the mod will work with the official and default (without any other mods) SMF forum software with supported versions SMF 1.1.11, 2.0 RC3
  • 2. To successfully publish to Facebook or Twitter the SMF posts have to be created manually by humans and not bots.
  • 3. The posts can not be imported automatically from any other source or resource.
  • 4. Publishing is only allowed to one Twitter or one Facebook account
  • 5. Publishing to Facebook is currently only allowed to the wall as of December 18th, 2010
  • 6. You have to enable in the settings and follow the configuration instructions provided with the mod in order to have all posted links shortened.
  • Mods updates and upgrades

  • 1. We do not offer free installation of upgrades.
  • 2. When purchasing our SMF mods, you are illegible to get free updates for 1 year and when the new version comes out you have the following options:
  • a) Install the updated version yourself or use our installation services for $50 per installation (installation is always free for our MSH customers)

    b) Buy another license for $35 (this way, we will do a free one-time install)

    c) Report a software bug with your current version

  • 3. Please visit our web site to check for the latest available mod updates.
  • 4. The 1 year warranty is void if you install or have any other third-party mods on your SMF forum. Please carefully read this:
  • “Compatibility: Official SMF 1.1.11, 2.0 RC3”. This means that the mod is compatible with official SMF software and official SMF mods, created by SMF team only, and not by any other third-parties. Please carefully review your current forum installation to see if you have any third-party mods installed therefore, verifying that the 1 year warranty is in effect.


    These are our FREE, but outdated mods:

    Please note, that we don't provide ANY support for the free versions of our mods. Please use them at your own risk.

    If for some reason you don't want our copyright displayed on your site you could easily request us to send you removal instructions for $15 and we will add you to our “white” list. As an alternative to paying $15 we offer converting our copyright link to your affiliate link with us. This way it will make some money for you and you wouldn't have to pay $15 removal fee. To take advantage of it please sign up for our partners program.

    Download the most recent version of Twitter Facebook mod

    Please contact us using the form on the right and provide the URL of your forum and the nickname on the official SMF forum (if any)

    The cost to legal users – $0, to illegal – $75
    Illegal users are the ones who removed our copyright notice without our permission
    This offer is valid until Oct 01, 2010


    Due to Twitter's termination of non oAuth authorization method the free version of the mod will no longer function. You can see the official announcement on Twitter.



    1. Provide URL of your domain.
    2. Provide your nick from the official SMF forum community (if any)
    3. Whois information on your domain should not be hidden
    4. oAuth and other than shortening services are included in commercial version only

    Copyright removal request

    It's possible to remove the copyright notice published by our SMF mods for only $15. All you need to do is buy a license for your domain. After that, we'll send you a special copyright link removal mod for your SMF board. Please note, that the copyright link removal is free to our hosting customers, regular customers and the ones, who bought Twitter Mod commercial version.

    After you submitted the payment, please use the form on the right side to send the payment transaction ID and the URL of your domain to us.

    Removing android apk

    by Alex Benko, 2by2host

    Removing android apk

    These are the easy steps to remove any .apk file from an Android device.

    The way a file system on an micro SD card is mounted is normally as read-only. This is done because your manufacturer has contracts to promote the software and vice versa. In addition all files on the card have “root” permissions, so if you don't have a rooted device, it's not easy to remove these. You might see tons of apps that you will not need taking up valuable space on your card. So we are presenting you with a couple of ways to remove the .apk files from your card.

    Geeky way to remove .apk files from your Android device:

    1. Root your device (this will void the warranty but you can always go back to being unrooted). The easiest way to root your device is to use SuperOneClick software. You can Google it or use one of our articles that describe it.
    2. Once you have an rooted device you can install a “Terminal Emulator” app (free from Android Market) and run “su” command from the shell. It will ask you if you'd like to run that command with “root” permissions and once you confirm it you will be logged in with “root” permissions.
    3. Next you'll need another free program called “mount /system (rw/ro) (free from Android Market). Install and run it. You will see two buttons “Mount r/o” and “Mount r/w”. The latter will remount the flash card with write permissions.
    4. Now go back to the “Terminal Emulator”. “cd” to /system/app directory and run “rm appname” (you can use partial name like app*, so that you wouldn't have to type in the full name).

    This will remove the unwanted .apk file

    Whimpy way to remove .apk files from your Android device:

    1. Get micro SD card reader ($10 from Amazon), stick your card into it and remove the necessary files from your PC or Mac

    This will remove the unwanted .apk file

    Our choice of the best packages to run your Android compatible site is either our managed shared hosting or GoEasy plan Load up your Android site tool to either and you're ready to go. Most of people recommend these as a perfect platform for an Android compatible site.

    How to clear DNS cache in Windows, Linux, Mac

    We have experienced Linux and Windows specialists on-site, so you can always contact our hosting support team, if you have any issues accessing your website. Even if it's hosted with other hosting provider.

    by Alex Benko, 2by2host

    DNS cache is something that your computer uses to quickly look up the IP address of for example a web site. There are some situations that will require your to clear your DNS cache in order to get the latest information.

    To flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows (98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7):

    • Go to Start -> Run -> type in cmd
    • from command prompt, type ipconfig /flushdns
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on Mac OSX (Leopard):

    • type lookupd -flushcache in the terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on Mac OSX:

    • type dscacheutil -flushcache in your terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    To flush DNS cache on a Linux box you need to restart the nscd service/daemon:

    • type /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart the terminal window
    • that will reset your DNS cache

    How to enable IE developer toolbar

    Are you developer or even a web studio? Switch your website(s) to our high quality professional web hosting or even earn money by referring customers to us.

    Sometimes when debugging and developing web pages in IE we spend a lot of time refreshing the page to see the changes. To help us debug the pages Microsoft created a toolbar plug-in, very similar to BugZilla for FireFox.

    These are the steps you need to install the toolbar:

    • Download IE Toolbar
    • Run the downloaded file
    • Restart Internet Explorer
    • You'll notice the icon in the IE userbar

    Note for IE8 users

    Please ignore the outlined steps above. You already have this toolbar built-in into your IE8. Just press F12!

    Proxy server could not handle the request

    Proxy server could not handle the request GET/POST message

    Proxy Error
    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
    The proxy server could not handle the request POST ...
    Reason: Error reading from remote server

    Usually you can see this error message on the websites hosted with overselling hosting providers. Their servers are always overloaded by a huge number of websites, so that they just stop responding to user's browser requests.


    1. A. Switch to a decent hosting provider like
    2. B. Move to a fully managed hosting package, like managed shared hosting at

    Mailman config file location

    Mailman config file location:

    Fantastico is not installed at the default location

    Fantastico is not installed at the default location

    Once upon a time we had to see that strange message:

    Fantastico is not installed at the default location /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico. Either move the Fantastico directory from it's current location to /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico OR enable ioncube loaders in WHM -> Tweak settings


    Normally doing a /scripts/makecpphp fixes this.

    What I did is a little trick 🙂

    In WHM, I went to:

    Main >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings

    Under the PHP section for:

    Loader to use for internal cPanel PHP (Use oldsourceguardian for version 1.x
    and 2.x)

    I selected sourceguardian, then reloaded the page and selected ioncube instead
    again, and clicked on save.