Publishing WordPress to Facebook?

To organize publishing to Facebook from your WordPress blog is a more complicated task than publishing to Twitter. However, the Wordbook plugin lets you publish posts on your Facebook Wall without problems.

Download and activate this plugin, it requires php 5.0 or higher. For activation I had to enter my Facebook account from my WordPress admin panel. Enter the settings of the plugin “Wordbook” in the “Settings” Wordbook in the left sidebar in the admin panel of your WordPress site. The page suggested me to set the connection to Facebook, so I followed the instructions of the plugin and clicked the Facebook link. The login dialogue appeared. I typed in the data.

Generated the code.

I returned to the settings page of the plugin and pasted the code.

I clicked again on the Facebook link at the same page, and I was taken to the Facebook account again. There I had to allow publishing.

Again I returned to my WordPress blog, the plugin page, and refreshed it.

I got the message that I had successfully configured Wordbook.

I created the new post to test the work of the plugin.

In a moment I saw the text of my post on the wall of my Facebook account.

Web hosting

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

Web hosting

Web hosting is a web service that enables businesses and individuals to have web sites on the Internet. The web sites can then be accessed and viewed with a web browser or any other web-aware application.

In order for the web pages to be displayed and viewed a web server is needed. The common ones are Apache and Microsoft IIS. These are applications that run on the server computer and allow everybody else on the Internet access your site. It is a pretty complicated process that is controlled and managed by web hosting provider.

When you need a web site you will need three main things:

  1. Domain name
  2. Web hosting account
  3. Application or a web development service to build your site

Most web hosting providers offer the first two but it makes sense to find one that understands web development in general and how applications work.

It makes sense to buy domain name and web hosting package from the same provider. Although before making any decisions make sure you will have complete control of your domain and your hosting account. Not all providers give you that and it is very important to have as it is your intellectual property.

Our recommendation of the best web hosting packages to run your site on is either our managed shared hosting or GoEasy plan. Both of them work with American or International domains and have the necessary tools for you to build your site. A lot of people recommend these as reliable and versatile web hosting packages and we also can help you with web development and design.

Concrete5 requirements

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

Concrete5 System Requirements

Concrete5 runs well on any web server that supports PHP. We prefer Linux based Apache

Recommended Web Servers

  1. Apache 1 or 2
  2. Microsoft IIS not recommended by Concrete5 developers but will run on that system

Recommended Database Servers

  1. MySQL 3.23.4 and up.
  2. MySQL4.0.15 and up with 5.x recommended

PHP Recommendations

  1. PHP 5.1.x and up with PHP 5.2.x recommended

Other Considerations

  1. Python 2.2 only needed when comparing versions of pages using HTMLDiff
  2. GD support

Our choice of the best packages to run Concrete5 is either our managed shared hosting or GoEasy plan both of them have been fine-tuned to run Concrete5. A lot of people recommend these as a perfect platform for Concrete5 web hosting.

How to clear my Facebook settings from application

If you used a Facebook application and don't want it to run there any longer you need to take the following steps:

Log in to your Facebook account. Then go through these steps: Account -> Application Settings -> Edit Settings -> Additional Permissions. On the last page you should un-check the checkbox next to the application you don't any longer need and save the form.

Copyrighted material removal request

Your copyrighted materials were used on one of the sites we host without your permission? Our hosting company is DMCA compatible and therefore we'd be happy to remove the infringed content upon your request. Please note, that your request should also comply to the DMCA, otherwise it can't be ignored.

Before your contact us, we expect that you already have taken the preliminary steps, outlined below.

Infringement material removal request:


<textarea cols=”50″ rows=”14″ name=”message” id=”message”></textarea>

How to Find and eplace Data in MySQL

To update and replace some value of a key we would need to run this command:

UPDATE `pages` SET `content` = REPLACE(`content`,”wrong text”,”right text”) WHERE `id`=”1″;

WordPress for beginners – Where is the admin panel and what is that?

Where is the admin panel?

Well, the hardest part – the installation – was over, so I was about to write interesting and unique posts in my blog. I typed in the address – and saw the home page with the default post “Hello, world!”. There was no place to type in text. So, I logged in as admin (using the password I received during the installation) and saw the link to the administration area of the site. When I entered it, I saw the hidden part of wordpress site from where I could manage my blog. Nobody except me and some people whom I give permissions, can enter it. The admin panel can be accessed either through the sidebar link (1) or through the address line by simply typing in wp-admin part (2): All the content of my blog can be deleted and edited from the admin panel (wp-admin) so it should be thoroughly protected.

Admin area: let’s have a look around

Managing blog with wordpress admin area is very simple as it has intuitive interface.

At the top there was the name of my site and the “Visit site” link (1). I could also enter my profile and edit it (change the password to the admin area, add more information from the top of the admin panel (2). There is also a quick way to publish posts and other content on your web blog (3).

In the left sidebar I found the main navigation menu (4). Each main function in the menu has a hovering arrow which is presented on hovering a mouse upon it. By clicking it, the submenu for each function drops down. The central part of the admin area is called work area (5). There is also the footer with various links to wordpress community. The work area is different in different pages of your admin panel. Dashboard is the home page for your admin panel. The dashboard work area shows the recent activity in your blog, allows to quickly access all your posts, pages, comments, and to quickly publish posts. It is shown on screenshot.

Inserting youtube videos into WordPress

Sometimes it is important to insert a youtube video into your blog post.

I tried and found it was easy for me to do it.

I searched for the video I wanted to publish. In the right sidebar I found the line: “embed” and clicked inside the box with the code. The code immediately got highlighted and I could copy it. But first I clicked the button next to the code and saw the drop-down dialogue. There I could select color of the border, size and some other parameters.

I entered my blog — > wp-admin — > posts — > add new and switched to HTML code.

I pasted the code I had copied on You Tube.

I clicked “publish” and that’s it! The video is available on the pages of my blog.

I want to add some text, so I switched to the visual mode. The embedded video was displayed like a square shape and I typed in the text after that shape.

Do you see only visual mode and can’t switch to the HTML mode? Go to users — > your profile. Un-check the box in the upper line of your profile.

This is how it looks like in my blog.

What are widgets?

I created categories, tags and pages, but I didn’t see the list of them on my site.

I had to create menus in the sidebar of my blog which would provide an easy access to my content. All these menus have been already created for me by wordpress. I had to only activate it with widgets. Widgets are sections in the sidebars of your site. You can easily add them, remove and rename widgets in the admin panel — > appearance –> widgets.

Drag and drop the necessary widget to the destination side bar. If you have three-column theme, then you will see two sidebars in the “widgets” section.

Each widget has a drop-down menu. The name of the widget can’t be changed for wordpress, but you can change it for the readers of your blog by typing in the title. The title will be displayed as the name of the widget in your blog.

Don’t forget to click save each time.

What widgets to add?

If you have created tags, categories and pages, and you want readers to see them, add the correspondent widgets.

I would advise to add the “meta” widget because it has link to admin area and the log in/log out link. You can even put some text in your sidebar. This can be an advertising or an announcement.

This is how my sidebar looks now.

How to publish WordPress to Twitter?

The popularity of a blog depends on how many people had a chance to notice, to read and to subscribe to your blog. Popular social networks, like Twitter simplify blog advertising greatly and enlarge my audience.

  1. 1. I searched for the plugin.
  2. 2. I selected the plugin “Twitter Tools” and downloaded it from
  3. 3. I installed the plugin to my blog.
  4. 4. I activated the plugin “Twitter Tools” in my admin area by checking the boxes next to this plugin and by applying the bulk action: “activate”.
  5. 5. I entered Settings — > Twitter Tools in the admin panel. I typed in my twitter account information. I configured the other options as I liked. There is an option to create posts from your tweets and I switched it off.

I excluded some categories from Twitter.

In the Appearance — > Widgets — > I found the “Twitter Tools” widget and dragged it to the Sidebar 1.

Now I can publish to twitter from the sidebar of my blog. It also can display my recent tweets. But it doesn’t display tweets that were created from posts.

I can also publish to twitter from the admin panel. Posts — > tweet subpanel appeared there.

When publishing a post, I can also specify if I would like to publish post to Twitter right under the Categories.

6. I was satisfied with the results. There were three tweets published from different places in my blog.

The tweet from post had tweet prefix (1) I configured in Settings — > Twitter Tools, the name of the post (2), the URL of the post (3), and the tag (4).

The URL of the post can be shortened with The option is supported by Twitter Tools and can be activated in Settings — > Twitter Tools.