Drupal requirements

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

Drupal requirements for the installation

The minimum disk space needed for Drupal installation is 40MB as indicated on Drupal's web site. We recommend at least 100MB which should allow enough room to have a variety of themes and modules on your Drupal site and have a backup of everything.

Drupal runs on both Apache and IIS with Apache being the recommended platform.

Recommended Web Servers

  1. Apache 1.3 or 2.x running on *nix, Windows or OS X platforms.
  2. IIS 5, 6 or 7 as long as PHP is configured correctly.

Recommended Database Servers

  1. Drupal 5.x and earlier need MySQL 3.23.17 and up.
  2. Drupal 6 needs MySQL 4.1 and up.
  3. Drupal 7 needs MySQL 5.0.15 and up.
  4. Drupal 7 will also run on PostgreSQL 7.4 and up.

Note: Some inexpensive hosting packages do not provide or support the following database account rights: ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, DROP, CREATE, INDEX. That is why we strongly recommend using either our fully managed hosting plan or self managed GoEasy plan – both fully support Drupal and we also offer our support to address any issue.

Recommended PHP versions

  1. PHP 5.2.x is recommended
  2. PHP 4.3.5 is required.

There are a lot of subtleties in Drupal's requirements that can be easily overlooked even after examining them carefully. Two of our hosting plans have been tailored to work with Drupal and our managed shared hosting is perfect for somebody who needs us to manage their Drupal site or our GoEasy plan for somebody who will run everything on their own. This allows the best approach to Drupal web hosting.

Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by

by Alex Benko, 2by2host

When you see the “cannot modify header information – headers already sent by” error message take a closer look at the file listed in the error. The issue is commonly in the extra “white space” in the code. For example take a look at this error generated by Drupal:
warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/2by2host/2by2host.com/sites/all/themeeMed/template.php:7) in/home/2by2host/public_html/2by2host.com/includes/common.inc on line 148.

The error is in the template.php file. We opened it up and found the following on line 7:


We removed the line between the tags and the problem was fixed.

We can easily fix an issue like that for you if you are our shared hosting or managed shared hosting customer.

How to install a WordPress theme through the FTP connection?

Some older versions of WordPress do not support “one-click” installation from the admin panel of your site. Plus we don’t recommend one-click installations because they do not always work well. You can upload themes for WordPress through the FTP. You need to have an FTP client for this. FTP client is a program which you can easily download from the Internet.
1. I opened an FTP client (FileZilla) and enabled the FTP connection to my hosting account by typing in the name of my host (testing.2by2host.com), my username and my password.
2. I downloaded to my hard disk the zip archive with the WordPress theme. I unzipped it.
3. In FileZilla I navigated to the theme folder. In the right side of the FTP client I went to the directory where my WP files were located. I found the wp-content — > themes folder.
4. I dragged and dropped the theme folder into the wp-content — > themes folder.
5. I returned to my WP site, the admin area, and found the recently installed theme. I activated it.

Installing WordPress theme from cPanel

I navigated to the File Manager — > public html (or www, which is the same)– > myblog — > wp-content — > themes. To enter the folder in the File Manager you have to double-click on the folder symbol.

When in the right side of the file manager the content of the folder “Themes” appeared, I clicked “Upload” in the upper line.

I have uploaded the zip archive of the Atahualpa theme. It didn’t work until I had extracted it. I clicked on the Extract button. The extraction dialogue appeared.

The paths were written into the boxes automatically. So I didn’t add anything. The File Manager created a new directory called “Atahualpa” and extracted files in it. Note that the archive with the theme should be comprised of one folder named as the theme. In this case the extraction will be correct.

I entered the admin panel of my site which was located at the address www.testing.2by2host.com/myblog/wp-admin and found the “Manage themes” option (Appearance — > themes). I had new theme among the available ones, and had to click “Activate” to make it current. At the very top of my admin panel I clicked “Visit site” link to see how my blog had changed.

So, I had installed three different WordPress themes using three different methods.

Now I could switch between the uploaded themes in my wp-admin panel by simply clicking “Activate”.

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How to install WordPress theme from cPanel?

Some older versions of WordPress do not support “one-click” theme installation from the admin panel of your site. In this case, it is easy to install a WordPress theme from the cPanel of your web hosting account. This is probably the fastest and the most reliable way as you don’t need a third-side program and even don’t have to unzip the theme archive. It is not even necessary to know your FTP logins.

  1. In my cPanel I entered the File Manager under the “Files” section. I expanded folders public_html — > myblog (optional) — > wp-content — > themes.
  2. I downloaded the theme onto my hard disk. There is no need to unzip it.
  3. I found the icon “Upload” in the File Manager and uploaded the theme to the themes directory.
  4. I clicked on the “Extract” button to unzip the theme archive.
  5. I returned to the admin area of my WordPress site and found the recently installed theme there. I clicked on it to activate it.

Easy installation of WordPress from cPanel

  1. I started by downloading the wordpress .zip archive from www.wordpress.org onto my computer.
  2. I created a database through the wizard in cPanel (cPanel — > Databases — > MySQL Database Wizard). I wrote down the name of the database, the username with all privileges, and the password to that database in a notes.txt file on my computer. For more on databases read his article “How to create a database in cPanel”.
  3. I uploaded the zip archive through the cPanel File Manager and extracted the files from it into the desired folder. For more information about cPanel File Manager read “How to upload and extract archives using the File Manager?”
  4. One of the most important questions was: Where do I install my WordPress blog? I decided to install it into a sub-directory which is a default location. To install WordPress to another folder read “How to install WordPress to the root directory”.

The folder “wordpress” was created in the root directory of the site. It contained all the files needed to install WordPress on my site.

But how could I make everything work now? I had to connect the files in my directory to the database I had earlier created. That was the step when I needed the information from my notes.txt file with the name of my database, username, and the password. The server hoste name I used was localhost, which is standard for most cases.

I opened the “wordpress” folder, selected the file wp-config-sample.php and clicked on the “edit” button at the top of File Manager.

The part underlined in red should be changed according to the details in my notes.txt file.

I filled in the information and then clicked on “Save Changes” and returned to the File Manager. There I renamed wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php. The “Rename” button is next to the “Edit” button. It was necessary to make the configuration file active and complete the installation.

5. After that, I had to run the installation. In a new browser window I typed the address of my blog: testing.2by2host.com/wordpress then clicked “Enter”and was automatically taken to the installation page which was located at http://testing.2by2host.com/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php. Note that if the installation page didn’t open you can manually type in this part: wp-admin/install.php at the end after the folder where WordPress is being installed to.

It took a few seconds to finish the installation. I just watched the process to complete.

I wish you all the best with your own installation of WordPress blog! Believe me: once you learn how to do it manually, you will be able to install almost any script on your site.

How to install WordPress in cPanel

Recently I created my own blog based on WordPress. I tried the one-click installations, but neither of them worked properly. Besides, I have read some unsatisfactory comments about using Fantastico script to install programs So, I decided to install my WordPress blog manually using the File Manager in my cPanel as it is the most convenient and reliable way. cPanel has got all necessary tools to install, extract, upload and edit files. I didn’t need the FTP client. Besides, the File Manager uploads files faster than doing it over FTP. This is a quick version of the article.

Quick WordPress Installation steps

  1. I downloaded the WordPress archive from www.wordpress.org
  2. I created a database for it. I wrote down the database name, user and password.
  3. I opened Files — > the File Manager in my cPanel File Manager. I uploaded and extracted the WordPress archive to the public_html folder.
  4. I found wp-config-sample.php file in the wordpress directory and added the database details to it. I renamed the file to wp-config.php
  5. I ran the installation through my browser window. For this, I typed in the address of my site testing.2by2host.com/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php. I followed the easy tips to finish the installation.

This is a detailed article on WordPress installation with screenshots included

Creating a database from cPanel with screenshots

I had to create a database using MySQL Database Wizard which I found in my cPanel >> Databases field.

There were several easy steps I had to follow:

1. I made up a name for the database.

2. In the next step I had to make up a username to access the database and generate a password. Note that my cPanel login was automatically added to the name of the database.

It is important to generate the password to make it more secure.

3. In the third step I had to give all privileges to the user I had added. There was information about the user with the same prefix as the database, and the password at the top.

I carefully wrote down the database name, the database user and the password in the notes.txt file. Later I needed this information for the installation of the script.

4. I went to the Databases >> MySQL Databases to see the databases I had created.

There I saw some information about my database and its usert, but I couldn’t find the password. In fact, it isn’t written anywhere except for my notes.txt file, that is why it is very important to write it down.

How to create a database in cPanel?

Any CMS (content management system) like Word Press, Drupal or Joomla needs a database (DB) which is used to store data. In fact, most scripts used today on web sites need databases.

So, before I install any CMS or a script that needs a DB on my site, I had to create a database which later would be connected to the files of my site in my hosting account. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it myself because I didn’t know anything about databases. Yet, it turned out to be very simple when using cPanel.

  1. I went to cPanel — > Databases — > MySQL Database Wizard.
  2. I created a database following 3 easy steps: I had to make up the name of the database, the name of the user for the database and the password. I gave all privileges to the user.
  3. I wrote down this information for future reference.

Here is a more detailed article about creating a database in cPanel with screenshots

If you are our hosting customer you can always ask us to create a database for you at no charge. If you haven't done so yet, please sign up for one of our web hosting packages: GoEasy or MSH (Managed Shared Hosting)